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How Our Chakras Align with Personality Development

The journey of personal growth mirrors the alignment of our chakras—those seven energy centres that hum beneath the surface, shaping who we are and how we show up in the world.

Root Chakra (Survival & Security): This is our foundation. Much like Bowlby’s theory of attachment, we begin life seeking connection and safety. Instinct drives us to survive—whether that’s holding onto loved ones or making sure there’s food on the table. Without a grounded root chakra, everything else wobbles. It’s like building a house on quicksand. Feeling unsteady? Your root’s calling for attention.

Sacral Chakra (Creativity & Desire): Maslow’s need for love and belonging lives here. Our sacral chakra pulses with creative energy, relationship-building, and the desire to feel fulfilled. When we engage in meaningful connections, we’re feeding this centre. It’s like lighting a spark in the creative part of your soul that craves expression and joy. Think of it as the chakra that turns "I want" into "I create."

Solar Plexus Chakra (Personal Power & Self-Worth): Freud’s "ego" lives here. The solar plexus is all about self-esteem, personal power, and the drive to assert ourselves. It’s the seat of confidence. When out of balance, we’re overwhelmed by doubt, as if anxiety is clutching the reins. But when this chakra is strong, it’s like standing tall and saying, “This is who I am—take it or leave it.”

Heart Chakra (Love & Compassion): Carl Rogers’ idea of unconditional positive regard flows through the heart chakra. This is where we connect emotionally, not just with others but with ourselves. Love, forgiveness, and empathy radiate from here. When balanced, we approach the world with kindness, feeling that deep, soulful connection. If it’s blocked? We hold grudges, struggle with self-love, and close ourselves off.

Throat Chakra (Truth & Expression): This chakra is the gateway to speaking our truth. It’s the communicator, linking thoughts, feelings, and emotions to the outside world. When it’s open, we feel the freedom to say what’s on our mind and express who we truly are. It’s the bridge between our inner world and how we interact with others.

Third Eye Chakra (Intuition & Insight): Here’s where we tap into wisdom beyond logic. It’s Maslow’s peak—the point where self-actualization meets intuition. When we trust our gut, it’s this chakra that guides us. It's about seeing beyond what’s in front of us and trusting the inner voice that knows the way forward.

Crown Chakra (Spiritual Connection & Understanding): At the top of the pyramid, this chakra is where we touch the divine, however you define it. It’s not just about spirituality, but about understanding the bigger picture—where we fit into the cosmos. Freud’s nirvana principle speaks here, that ultimate release, a connection to something far greater than the physical world.

Each chakra acts like a power station, sending and receiving energy, and each one connects to a specific part of the body. They’re like emotional Wi-Fi hotspots—always on, even when you’re not paying attention. Bowlby believed attachment, rooted in the base of the spine at the root chakra, is instinctual. That deep, unshakable need for connection is essential for survival. It’s like nature’s way of saying, "Stick together, or else."

As we grow, our chakras evolve too, each step forward in our personal journey aligning with an energy centre waiting to be unlocked. It’s not just about surviving life—it’s about thriving, in mind, body, and spirit. By tuning into these subtle energies, we awaken to the deeper layers of our personality and the path toward true self-actualization.

As we navigate life, interacting with others and the world around us, we’re constantly building the structure of the self. Some values feel right at home, matching our core beliefs like puzzle pieces. Others, though, sneak in from parents, peers, or past relationships, and suddenly, we’re wearing someone else’s hand-me-down beliefs. It’s like a virus spreading through the body, messing with the system. Eventually, we notice the symptoms—feeling out of sync, unwell. That’s when our immune system, or better yet, our chakras, step in to restore balance, clearing out what doesn’t belong.

The spiritual and the psychological don’t have to be at odds; in fact, they’re two sides of the same coin. Freud spoke of the "nirvana principle," the idea that life’s ultimate goal is to blow out the candle and reach nothingness. Meanwhile, spiritual beliefs teach us that the body is just the vehicle for the soul—one we drive around during our earthly stay. And just like our brain and heart have physical forms, they also have spiritual twins—our mind and soul—which don’t disappear when we do. They carry on, connected through life and beyond, as we navigate the delicate dance between the seen and the unseen.

Liz Wilde

Embrace Your Power

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