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Writer's pictureLiz Wilde LizW

"Life is Like a Roundabout (Or a Box of Chocolates): Finding Your Exit and Savouring the Sweet Moments!"

Life is like a roundabout. We’ve all been there—everything’s going smoothly, you’ve got a plan, and then BAM! The wheels come off. Suddenly, you’re circling the same exit, over and over again, thinking, “Why can’t I just signal and get off this ride?” It’s dizzying, frustrating, and exhausting. Oh, and can it ever be exhausting! But just like real life, sometimes we need a little extra help spotting the way out.

Let’s talk about the kitchen bin. We empty that thing regularly, right? The council comes every two weeks, we toss out the garbage, and life smells fresh again. So, why on earth don’t we do the same with the trash cluttering up our heads, hearts, and souls? We let it pile up, and before you know it, we’re full to the brim with emotional gunk we should’ve dumped ages ago.

Now, onto my favourite: the pilot light. You know that tiny flame in your boiler that quietly flickers away until needed? Well, guess what—it’s the same for us! Deep in your solar plexus, there’s this little spark that springs to life when we’re stressed, scared, or uncertain. And like a boiler, when life’s pressures build, that flame can either stay steady or flare out of control. The trick? Learning how to keep it lit without blowing up the whole system.

Speaking of balance, let’s chat about yin and yang—the ultimate blend of opposites. Think of them as the energy twins, one’s calm while the other’s assertive. When they’re in harmony, life flows beautifully, but when they’re out of sync? Well, that’s when things start to go sideways. The key is in finding that sweet spot where your inner energies can dance together without stepping on each other’s toes.

Then there’s the root chakra, your foundation. This one’s about survival—food, water, shelter. It’s your connection to the earth, like a tree with deep roots. But if your roots are shallow? One strong gust, and you’re knocked right over. Staying grounded means being true to yourself—no half-hearted compromises that pull you out of alignment with who you really are.

The sacral chakra is all about pleasure, baby! It’s where we find joy in life and in our relationships. But when it’s out of whack, it can leave us feeling empty or constantly chasing after things that never truly satisfy. Ever been stuck comparing yourself to others? That’s a sure sign your sacral chakra isn't getting the love it needs.

Finally, we’ve got the solar plexus chakra, the power centre of your being. This one controls your drive, your purpose, and how you express your creativity. When it’s in balance, you’re out there living your truth, but too much or too little energy here? You either can’t assert yourself or you start bulldozing through life, imposing your will without thinking twice.

In the end, it’s all about finding balance in these different areas of life. And sometimes, you need to clear out the mental clutter, rediscover your pilot light, and make peace with life’s roundabouts. The exits are there—you just need to see them clearly.

Emotional insight is like knowing how the car works but not being able to drive it. You get what’s going on in your head—you understand how your belief system plays a part in why you feel down, stressed, or overwhelmed. You might even know why you’re feeling stuck or depressed. But here’s the kicker: even though you understand it intellectually, the emotional side? That’s a whole different story.

It’s like this—your brain tells you, "I know what’s happening," but your heart is over there, throwing its hands up, saying, “Great, now what?!” You struggle to shift your feelings, even though you know the logic behind them.

Now, when it comes to which feelings hit hardest, it usually goes one of three ways:

“I don’t know what to do”—You’re stuck in the fog, lost in the maze, and the idea of moving forward feels impossible.

“I don’t trust these new ways of thinking”—You know there are alternative ways to see things, but your brain isn’t buying it. You’re like, “Yeah, but what if it’s wrong?”

“I can change this, and it’s not going to kill me”—You know you can take control, but the fear of actually doing it is still hanging around in the background.

It’s easy to get trapped in that loop of negative thinking. Clients often feel like they’re spinning their wheels, knowing they could change things but unsure how to handle the emotional weight of it all. It’s not that they don’t understand the situation—it’s that they don’t trust themselves to handle the emotions that come with change.

So, the journey begins—one step at a time, one challenge after another. It’s like learning to dance in a pair of shoes that didn’t fit at first, but with each lesson, you’re breaking them in, and suddenly, you’re gliding instead of stumbling. Every experience is like a brick, building the foundation for a stronger, brighter version of you.

And hey, before you know it, you’ll be strutting down life’s runway, flashing that inner glow like, “Yeah, I’ve got this!” Sure, there’ll be some trips and spills, but every misstep just gets you closer to mastering the routine. So, embrace it—because the real fun is in discovering how amazing you can feel when you finally start enjoying life your way.

Liz Wilde

Embrace Your Power

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