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Writer's pictureLiz Wilde LizW

"Unveiling Me: Insights, Truths, and a Leap of Faith"

You might be wondering why I have so much to say about Spirit co-creating with us, not against us. Or why I believe in chakras, light, and unburdening the soul. The answer’s simple: I’ve seen it work. And when I say “work,” I don’t mean waving a magic wand and POOF! All problems solved. I mean real transformation—sometimes slow, sometimes messy, often uncomfortable—but always worth it.

Embrace Your Power was born from a genuine “want” to show you that we can overcome obstacles—even when life hands us a mountain of, well, you know, the not-so-fun stuff. We may not realise it in the thick of things, but think about how many times you’ve said, “Wish I’d done that sooner!” Me? I’ve lost count.

I didn’t exactly plan this path. I more or less tripped and fell into a career that not only allowed me to help others grow, but also forced me to face my own growth. Along the way, I realised something big: people say things, but their souls? They scream the truth. I had to learn to hear my own soul first, which, let’s be real, didn’t fix everything overnight. But it gave me a solid platform to leap off—and once you start leaping, you discover how freeing it is.

Let me tell you how I met my first therapist. It wasn’t planned. One day, after work, I was driving home, reflecting on a young person I was working with. I was encouraging them to take a leap of faith and explore themselves when it hit me: I wasn’t taking my own advice. Not even close. Before I knew it, I found myself parked outside a Women’s Refuge, a place I didn’t even know existed. It wasn’t a conscious choice—more like my soul had taken the wheel and steered me where I needed to go.

The door was opened by a woman with a soul so pure, it was like stepping into a bubble of white light. After assuring her I was in no danger, just desperately in need of guidance, we had coffee. I told her why I was there and admitted that, while I was great at telling others to take the plunge, I was avoiding my own deep dive. I asked her, "Can you tell me which therapist you use for your clients?" She gave me a name: Josephine. That moment was my first real step onto solid ground.

At first, expressing myself was beyond hard. I’d kept so much darkness inside for nearly 30 years. And I’m older now (yes, I’ll own it), but back then, I was drowning in my own silence, afraid of hurting others with my pain. It was a bit like swiping left or right on a dating app, but with memories and emotions—sorting through what to keep and what to toss. I learned that even the negatives had value. They build resilience when you finally acknowledge them, deal with them, and leave them in your mental recycling bin for when life tries to hit you with the same nonsense again.

And so, my journey began. I learned about the big names—Freud, Bowlby, Erickson, Rogers—and how they all had a say in who we become. But I wanted to go deeper. I started searching for a teacher in spirituality. That’s when I found Kathy, who helped me hear my soul’s deeper song. And you know what? Spirituality and psychology blend beautifully. It was like finding the missing puzzle piece in the picture of myself. Suddenly, everything clicked.

Over the last 30 years, I’ve learned a lot about myself—dealt with some things, accepted others, and thrown a bunch of junk into the nearest emotional landfill. Best place for it. The most important thing? I know who I am, and that knowledge empowers me. Now, when life throws me a curveball, I can catch it before it hits me square in the face. Does that sound selfish? Good! Healing requires you to be selfish, to focus on your growth, to stop living by other people’s expectations. Once you start listening to your soul and aligning with what it needs, you’ll like who you meet: the real you. And believe me, you’re even better than you imagined.

Here’s the thing, though: it’s an ongoing process. It’s not a quick fix, but it’s a powerful one. The tools you pick up make life smoother for you, and harder for others to impact you. And guess what? You, me, and everyone else in this vast universe deserve to live the life that’s best for us. But a word of caution—this isn’t a licence to bulldoze through others. It’s about accepting yourself and others with compassion.

You’ll stumble, sure. But as you learn to really hear your soul, you’ll find that the stumbles hurt a lot less, and the leaps? They become even more exhilarating.

Liz Wilde

Embrace Your Power

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